Efficient processes require efficient methods. With the Trias Energetica in the back of our minds, we at TBR Solutions utilize as much residual heat from the process as possible. Together the efficient use of energy, use of sustainable equipment and reduction of the energy requirement facilitate the possibility to lower your costs and decrease energy use up to 50%.
Trias Energetica
The design philosophy of TBR Solutions is derived of the basic principles of the Trias Energetica. With a straightforward model in the back of our minds we’re always on top of diverse process aspects. The Trias Energetica consists of the following 3 steps:
Step 1: Limit energy consumption by using efficient processes and machines. Conserved energy is energy that doesn’t have to be generated!
Step 2: Make as much use of recovered energy as possible and make use of sustainable energy.
Step 3: Use fossil energy as efficiently as possible.
Energy supply
We use diverse components for the supply of energy regarding water treatment. Temperatures up to 95⁰C are possible by applying the following philosophy:
With these philosophies in the back of our minds we get down to work using a tangible roadmap. This roadmap consists of the following steps:
- Conducting an audit to gain insight in the current flow of energy within your organisation
- Working out a desired situation in which we advise ways, with and without energy saving components, to rearrange your process to make it more efficient and/or optimise it.
- Depending on your choices, we engineer, supply and install the appropriate components to provide your company with the most efficient possible flow of energy!